2016 - I Resolve to...

I have to admit that I have never been very big on New Year's Resolutions. Oh, maybe I did some here and there in high school, and I know I had some career goals in my early 20's, but since becoming a parent, I don't think I've made any resolutions of any kind. When I realized this recently, I couldn't quite believe it! Frankly, I was shocked. I never realized how much I had put myself; my self improvement, my inner feelings and thoughts, my goals and desires, on hold. Literally, all of my focus and energy went into my children. So, that was part of the reason I had never made resolutions. But I think the other reason is that the whole "resolution" thing seemed to always fall short. It's such a pass/fail kind of thing, that if I didn't achieve them by year's end, I felt kind of deflated and it discouraged me from trying it again. Cut to 2016. I have had such an epiphany this year. I do think it's important to set some goals for the year ahead. It doesn't have to be long, it doesn't have to be perfect, or have a certain number to it. As long as you make an attempt to make a list of goals, I think it helps to focus on what you want to improve. That is what bothers me most about those lost years when I never wrote a goal at all. There are always things to improve, and by not even setting some basic goals for myself, I missed out on the chance to improve my life, for myself and for my family.

So, I am now a firm believer in New Year's Resolutions, or as I'm going to call them, New Year's Goals. A goal doesn't seem as much about passing or failing, but more about improving, so that even if something is not accomplished completely, I can feel good about making some progress. With that in mind, I sat down and tried to condense what was originally a very long list into something that would be concise and hopefully, achievable. And I hope to do this every year from now on. To not only take stock of the year that has just passed, but also to focus on at least a few things that I want to accomplish in the year to come.

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