Friday Favorites - Vintage Botanicals

Art is always such a hard thing for me to find. I'm not big on just buying prints at Home Goods or Pier One or the like, so I'm usually looking for real art. And of course, in order to afford real art, I need to buy antique and that is not a hunt that is quick! It's really a matter of having to wait awhile before the right thing comes along, and in the meantime, living with blank walls. Which is what I've been doing in my family room for awhile now. I've been looking and looking, and though I wanted something genuine, and probably antique, I didn't really want another landscape (something I have a lot of in the rest of the house) and I didn't want the French Country sheep/cow type art that I've had in there in the past. I didn't know what I wanted, until I saw this picture.

Stunning, right?! Liz Williams Design.

And that was it! I decided a grouping of antique botanicals would be perfect for above the couch in the family room. It's a fairly large wall, so a group of 6 or 8 would be just the thing. I think they look a little fresher than an antique oil painting, but they still give that antique touch that I love. They are classic, versatile, timeless.

Perfection! Design by Charles Birdsong.

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