Family Room Built-In Rearrange

I've been a little obsessed with the built-ins in my family room for awhile now. It all started when I read a post by Joni of Cote de Texas and she was paring down and simplifying hers, and all of a sudden, mine felt way too busy. I had a lot of red and black accessories because those were the accent colors in the room at the time, and I just wanted it out of there! So about a year ago, I got rid of all the red and black and decided to have mostly neutrals. But then a few weeks later, I decided on the re-do of the room with blue as the accent color (you can read my post on that here), and I ended up buying a few blue items to add to the shelves. Well, now I've been re-doing the shelves again

I decided to go really neutral and have only things that are white/cream or natural items like iron and wicker. I should've never run out and bought blue items, especially since I haven't even re-done the room or found the right blue fabrics yet (story of my life!) I am still planning on re-doing the pillows and drapes, but I started thinking, what if the fabric I find ends up being green instead? Or even blue and greens? I will have backed myself into a corner with the blue decor items the same way I did with the red and black! So yesterday, I decided to remove the blue and keep only the neutrals and whites. And I love it so much better this way! Here were a few of the rooms that inspired me in the first place.....

This is the photo that started me on yet another re-do of my shelves! Of course, this one has only cream (including books) which Mr. Maison has said I cannot do! I do love it though.

This is more what mine will look like. There is cream; but also baskets and frames. I can't live without any framed photos (I've tried!)

This one is a little too empty for me, but I love the symmetry and the fact that the accessories are "no color"; only silver, black, and natural.

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