Collected Look Essentials #5 - Style Mix

Today, I thought I would do the final installment of my series that I started a few months ago on how to get a "collected look" for your home. So far, I've touched on four essentials for achieving this:

Now I'm going to touch on the fifth (and possibly, final) thing I think you need to give your house that "collected look," and that is a mix of styles. In order to get the depth and character that you want here, you have to have a collection of different furniture styles and finishes. That means no dining room or bedroom "sets," and that you should definitely not care if all the woods in the room are matching. In fact, it's better if they don't match. The best rooms, and probably most of the ones you admire in magazines, are a wonderful mix of eras, styles, and woods, creating a personal and eclectic space that is unique. And by it's very nature, if you mix styles and finishes, it will look like you've acquired the pieces over time, something that buying a "set" could never achieve. Let's look at some examples....

A favorite room! I see two different brown woods, gold and glass, and a gray wash on the chairs - but it all works beautifully together! Design by Billet-Collins.

Dark and medium wood here, as well as painted white chairs and a grey table. Home of the artist John Monks.

One of my all-time favorite rooms! Designer Donna Temple Brown's spaces feel so collected and lived in, as if they've always been there. French and Swedish styles as well as different finishes all meld into one beautiful room.
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